

  1| media library - search

  2| media library - play movie

  3| media library - found entries

  4| media library - advanced search

  5| media library - search no results

  6| media library - browse

  7| media library - index search

  8| media library - info


Terminal and online interface design for the ZKM Media Library (Center for Art and Media) in Karlsruhe, Germany. In collaboration with Frank Fassmer.

The media ibrary's exhaustive collection consists of several kinds of information media. Visitors find books, video tapes, CD-ROMs and sound carriers related to 20th century art. An easily accessible database allows for research in the archive, either on site or via the internet.

The design is incorporated into the corporate design of the institution working with ASCII Code and Characters as main element of the branding.
The interface is both search tool and player for these several kinds of information media. One of Germany's largest video art collection can be accessed directly via a video server. Audio Art, CD-Roms and media art documentations can be accessed as well.

#design  #web  #interface  #media  #data architecture  #commission  

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