












Project lead for the implementation and maintenance of the UIC School of Art + Design website, containing project galleries for students and faculty. Launched in Jan. 2007. Layout and design in collaboration with Jack Henrie Fisher, content management system with Brandon Passley, video archive with Jesus Duran and Alex Stern.

Initiated and led by
Daniel Sauter, Associate Professor, New Media Arts

implemented by the following individuals:
Jesus Duran, New Media Arts
Brandon Passley, Graphic Design
Jack Fisher, Graphic Design
Gene Parcellano, Graphic Design
Camille Mankus, Graphic Design
Anna Trzyna, Electronic Visualization
Santi Vitayaudom, Electronic Visualization
Divya Kosaraju, Electronics and Communications

College system administrative support:
Alex Stern

#design  #web  #software  #database  #commission  → project site

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